Registration Now Open for WAS 2024

A Message from our Executive Director: Together, we prepare tomorrow’s leaders to advance peace through understanding. With registration now open for WAS 2024, we welcome you to return as a sponsor for next year’s edition.

WAS 2023

The 2023 World Affairs Seminar, held June 24 – June 30, 2023, at Carroll University, will focus on Climate Change. Register today!

Preparing for WAS 2022

A welcome message from our program director, Stuart Schmidt, emailed to delegates, as well as families and sponsors. Highlights include important arrival information and COVID-19 protocols.

Blog Archive

Reflections on WAS 2020

Reflections on WAS 2020

The 2020 World Affairs Seminar delegates receiving scholarships from Wayne Rotary Club: Treyton Blecke, Jacob Kneifl, Taytum Sweetland, and Christopher Woerdemann – all of Wayne HS – shared their experience, lessons learned, and friends made from around the world with Wayne Rotarians on Wednesday August 12.

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WAS 2021: A Hybrid Experience

We are excited to offer this hybrid experience for the first time this year. For most, the preferred experience will be Traditional In-Person. Alternatively, the Virtual Option for some offers online virtual participation at a reduced cost.

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WAS 2020

WAS 2020

After a prolonged decline, world hunger is on the rise: in 2016 an estimated 815 million around the world did not have access to enough food to meet basic nutritional needs. Hunger is particularly a problem in the developing world, where violent conflicts, economic crises, and weather-related catastrophes have wreaked havoc on both food production and availability. Yet hunger is also an issue in the United States, where 1 in 6 Americans find themselves dealing with food insecurity on any given day. Such global statistics are not due to lack of food; for the past twenty years, the rate of global food production has increased faster than the rate of global population growth. That means that there is more than 1 ½ times enough food to feed everyone on the globe. How can hunger continue to persist in such a world of plenty?

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Rotary District 6270 with Rotary Wheel

A Rotary District 6270 Initiative

World Affairs Seminar
10600 W. Mitchell Street
West Allis, Wisconsin 53214

Privacy Policy:

The World Affairs Seminar does not share or sell personal information about students or sponsors with any other organization except as authorized by signed release. This includes personal, health, financial, or other information. Information you post on public websites and other accessible media is your responsibility.

Refund Policy:

To receive credit after payment has been made, students, sponsors must notify the World Affairs Seminar in writing that their delegate is unable to attend, or if the sponsor is unable to fill a paid for space at the Seminar. (e-mail is considered "in writing" for these purposes as long as the e-mail is acknowledged as having been received.) Full credit applies if notification is received by April 1; 50% credit if application is cancelled between April 1 but prior to May 21; no credit is available if application is cancelled after May 21, unless extraordinary circumstances such as illness, death exist. All cancellation credits are subject to $75.00 processing fee and must be used within one calendar year. Note: in agreeing to attend WAS, parents and students promise to reimburse their sponsor for the full amount of any loss due to cancellation. WAS offices: (414) 453-4984, or

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