Blog Archive

Reflections on WAS 2020
The 2020 World Affairs Seminar delegates receiving scholarships from Wayne Rotary Club: Treyton Blecke, Jacob Kneifl, Taytum Sweetland, and Christopher Woerdemann – all of Wayne HS – shared their experience, lessons learned, and friends made from around the world with Wayne Rotarians on Wednesday August 12.
WAS 2022
Coming soon!
WAS 2021: A Hybrid Experience
We are excited to offer this hybrid experience for the first time this year. For most, the preferred experience will be Traditional In-Person. Alternatively, the Virtual Option for some offers online virtual participation at a reduced cost.

WAS 2020
After a prolonged decline, world hunger is on the rise: in 2016 an estimated 815 million around the world did not have access to enough food to meet basic nutritional needs. Hunger is particularly a problem in the developing world, where violent conflicts, economic crises, and weather-related catastrophes have wreaked havoc on both food production and availability. Yet hunger is also an issue in the United States, where 1 in 6 Americans find themselves dealing with food insecurity on any given day. Such global statistics are not due to lack of food; for the past twenty years, the rate of global food production has increased faster than the rate of global population growth. That means that there is more than 1 ½ times enough food to feed everyone on the globe. How can hunger continue to persist in such a world of plenty?

WAS 2020 has gone virtual – Join us this June!
There is still time to register for our virtual World Affairs Seminar. Register online today!
A Message to Delegates & Parents
A message to delegates & parents regarding COVID-19 and our 2020 World Affairs Seminar: Hunger in a World of Plenty, held Monday, June 22nd – Thursday, June 25th, 2020.
A Statement Regarding the 2020 Seminar
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic has forced many changes in our lives. For the past several weeks a WAS Work Group has been working on an Action Plan to map the way forward for the 2020 World Affairs Seminar.
A Message from WAS Regarding COVID-19
The World Affairs Seminar is closely monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Get updates on this evolving situation.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The World Affairs Seminar is closely monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Get updates on this evolving situation.
The World Affairs Seminar is seeking a part-time Office Manager/Registrar in West Allis, WI. Perfect for a self-directed individual whose schedule requires a high level of flexibility!